Recommended Interesting Articles


Vomiting during labor, is it normal?

Surely many of you have heard or a friend, neighbor or acquaintance has told you that she had nausea when giving birth. But is vomiting normal during labor? Always happens? Why? Let's go little by little; Although each woman is different and each childbirth is different, it is true that there are some things that do repeat themselves in many deliveries, and one of them is nausea and vomiting.
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How to teach children to cope with teasing

Sometimes children have to put up with ridicule from their classmates, their peers outside of school, and even their own siblings. When children make fun it means that through words they try to ridicule the child to humiliate him, many of the children who make fun do not know the serious consequences that it can have on the self-esteem of those who are affected.
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What to do if you don't like your child's teacher

Ideally, we would have dedicated, motivating, patient, vocational, and highly capable teachers. The reality is that, alongside them, there is another branch of teachers whose pedagogy is conspicuous by its absence, even so, be it an authoritarian teacher, or a good teacher, depending on the colors. Thus, there are parents who prefer strict teachers who impart discipline, and others who prefer teachers with more modern and positive methods.
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Celiac children and babies

Celiac disease is one of the most common chronic intestinal diseases. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucosa of the small intestine caused by an intolerance to gluten. On our site we tell you about the care and diets that parents should introduce in their children's nutrition.
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Yoga poses to avoid postpartum women

Many times after delivery, we want to recover quickly, doing the same activity as before and with the same intensity. But we have to be very clear that it is a recovery period and, for that, our best allies are patience and, also, yoga. Do you want to know which postures are the most recommended and which ones you should avoid postpartum?
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